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Adults, Braces & Other Orthodontic Treatment Options

Posted in Adults, Braces, General, Invisalign, Payment, Tips & Advice

More adults are seeking orthodontic treatment as a result of recent advancements in orthodontic technology and treatment options. Our orthodontists in British Columbia explain adult braces and other treatment options today.

Why do adults need orthodontic treatment?

Several oral health problems can be caused by teeth that are improperly positioned or crowded in your mouth.

Jaw and speech function may be harmed as a result of this. It may also cause your teeth to wear unevenly. Because properly aligned teeth are relatively easy to clean with regular brushing and flossing, misaligned teeth can have an impact on oral hygiene.

A misalignment, on the other hand, can cause the teeth to overlap, allowing food and bacteria to get stuck in places where your toothbrush and floss can't reach. This can lead to tooth decay and, in the worst-case scenario, gum disease.

Aesthetically, misaligned teeth can cause cosmetic issues and feelings of insecurity about one's appearance, leading some people to avoid public speaking, smiling for family photos, and even eating in public. As you might imagine, these issues can affect the quality of your life, and so orthodontic treatment may be highly beneficial.

Low Profile Orthodontic Options for Adults

Adults frequently cite concerns about the aesthetics or appearance of braces as a reason for not seeking orthodontic treatment. Thankfully, dental and orthodontic technology has progressed significantly.

Adult patients have a variety of convenient and discrete orthodontic treatment options to choose from, depending on their needs. Each of these options has its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Some patients may be candidates for Invisalign clear aligners, which are clear, custom-made plastic aligners that are difficult to detect by the average observer. They gradually move the teeth into prescribed positions with gentle, continuous pressure throughout treatment - no metal brackets or wires required.

One significant advantage of Invisalign clear aligners is that they are removable, allowing you to drink, eat, brush, and floss normally. And, whether you wear them to work, to events, or on the town, their combination of transparency and convenience makes them an appealing treatment option. They are a natural fit for many people's daily lives.

However, for treatment to be successful, you must wear the aligners for 22 hours per day – which requires a significant amount of self-discipline. You must also remember to change aligner sets as needed and to schedule meal and eating times.


Adult braces have become a more viable option for those who are not candidates for Invisalign clear aligners or prefer braces due to advancements in orthodontic technology.

Because of advancements in design, metal braces are now less obtrusive and much more comfortable than they were previously. The components, which include brackets, wires, and elastic bands, work together to apply calibrated force to your teeth, gradually shifting them over time.

Braces can be used to treat complex or simple malocclusion and misalignment problems. Because they are fixed appliances, you can't take them out to brush, floss, eat or drink, but you also won't have to worry about timing your meals and snacks, or forgetting to switch or replace your aligners.


Speak with your orthodontist if you are concerned about the cost of adult braces, Invisalign clear aligners, or other orthodontic treatment. They might have financing or payment plans available.

Do you have questions about orthodontic treatment for adults? Contact our British Columbia orthodontists today for insights and advice.

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